Awkward Ears

Posts Tagged ‘Pirouette

Ah yes, Pirouette.
I have much respect for this foursome – sometimes five some – band, for not only can they churn out a good tune or two, they are also very friendly. And by golly, you don’t find much of that these days. I’m just kidding of course you do. But really, there is a certain charm that is immediately discernible in their music, fortified by the attitude of the band itself.



“What’s the music like?” I hear you inquire. Pirouette are very good at making that rough recording aesthetic sound very appealing. For some bands getting that Multi-trackish sound to sit right is very hard, but Pirouette have fucked that assumption out of the water. Take the musical method of Cap n’ Jazz, and the occasional Owen track and that is basically what you are in for. Don’t get me wrong though, Pirouette do have a beautiful musical mind of their own, and they should be granted that respect, just giving you a yard-stick.

So i have the aptly titled Thinking In Subtleties the band’s EP album here. I do hope you enjoy it as much as i did, and that you find time to drop by their myspace, have an e-chat and bask in the genuine friendliness. If you love basement shows, you’ll love this. Pizzle.

Genre: Indie/Math-Rock/Folk


Hey There

Welcome to Awkward Ears. This is a blog that is musically focused on bands that are technical, angular, awkward and fucking awesome. I buy records, CDs, etc. listen to them, and decide whether I like them. Then, if I do like them, I write about my experience and share the music. If you feel that you'd like my uploads taken off, please let me know. I don't want anyone hurt :) Be My Friend, because i have none at Follow me on twitter: Just like a politician. Enjoy.